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Here you learn basic to advanced English grammar.
Our aim is to build your knowledge for English by polishing your English grammar skills. We have the vision to offer you valuable free English grammar practice sets to improve your skills in the language.
Intermediate Level Present Perfect Tense Practice Set
With He, She, It, and Singular Subjects use – Has and past participle (gone, taken, eaten, etc.) With They, We, You, I, and multiple subjects use- Have and past participle Use the “Present Perfect” for something that happened in the past but is still important-...
Present Perfect Tense Exercises to Practice Free
The Present perfect tense is the part of the present tense. For singular subjects- He, She, It, and Singular object/person, we use “HAS.” For plural subjects – We, they, and objects/people, we use “HAVE”. With “I”, we use “HAVE” even if the subject is singular....
Free Simple Present Tense Exercises to Practice
Pick the correct option from multiple choices....
Simple Present Tense Exercises with Explanation
Pick the correct option from multiple choices....
Noun Questions for Competitive Exams
Select the option that holds an error. If no options have any error, mark “No Error” ....
Translate Hindi to English Practice Set
कल आप अवश्य आये। Please do come tomorrow. एक कप चाय जरूर लीजिये Please do have a cup of tea. आप मुझ अवश्य लिखियेगा Please do write to me. इन तीनो शब्दों का एक ही बनावट है- please + do + infinitive (without to) इसका मतलब है की (Please do) के तुरंत बाद To नहीं लगाना है। इन शब्दो में आप की जगह (you) लगाने की जरूरत नहीं है।...
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